Maxwell Turnberg

Hometown: San Diego, CA

College/Country: University of Minnesota

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How did you get into skiing?

-I started skiing just two years ago because I needed a sport to stay active in the winter.

What are your most fond memories of skiing?

-My most fond memories of skiing is when I went to Alaska with Endurance Adventure where I raced the Tour of Anchorage and met the great Kikkan Randall.

Best result in skiing?

-I was 4th in my age group in the 25km skate at the Tour of Anchorage 2023.

Favorite place to visit in Minnesota?

-That’s a hard question, but I’ll go with Theodore Wirth.

Favorite workout?

-long intervals (running or skiing)

What keeps you motivated?

What keeps me motivated is the strong community that cross skiing offers. I also love this sport and believe I have the potential to compete at the highest level. With the support of Team Birkie, I know it can happen.

How can you make your community better?

- getting involved as much as possible and spread positivity with everyone.