Sam Holt

Hometown: Orono, ME

Date of Birth:  02/23/2000 (age 23)

Team Birkie Member Since: 2022

College: University of Vermont / Burlington, VT

Follow on: Instagram, Strava

Favorite thing about Minnesota?

  • I was really impressed by the scale of the marathon circuit, and how happy people seem to be there, whether they’re racing for the win or bringing up the rear. Plus, having 4 places within 15-30 mins that have snowmaking is pretty hard to beat, and they all have great natural options

Favorite post-workout snack?

  • Mixing 3 or 4 kinds of cereal together in an unreasonably-sized bowl (I work at a General Mills factory and get tons for free).

Favorite skiing technique?

  • Call me a classic specialist. Pretty tough to beat the feeling of striding well

What inspired you to nordic ski?

  • Needed a new sport after quitting hockey and golf sophomore year of high school, so I got talked into XC running, and then nordic was the natural follow-up sport. Really got into it senior year and basically used the internet to figure out training, and eventually won the Maine Class C state championship on my birthday which is still my career highlight! The club team at UVM allowed me to keep the momentum going, and even though we didn't have a coach the competition in USCSA was plenty motivating, plus I got to meet some great people along the way.

Tips on how to improve?

  • Anytime you find yourself lacking motivation, I find it helpful to read some articles/ watch some videos about training philosophy—i.e. why endurance athletes train the way they do—and then pair it with some positive mental imagery (either a career highlight or lofty goal), which together will help recharge your sense of purpose