Vivian Johnson

Hometown: Burnsville, Minnesota

Date of Birth: March 1996

College/Country: Northern Michigan University and University of Minnesota

Follow: Instagram

How did you get into skiing?

My sister joined the ski team in high school and convinced me it would be fun so I joined the team in 7th grade and loved it!

What are your most fond memories of skiing?

Ski camps and travel race weekends with some of my best friends - so many memories exploring new places and trails

Best result in skiing?

The result that means the most to me - 6th place in the Classic 5k at NCAAs in 2017

Favorite place to visit in Minnesota?

Grand Marais (or anywhere up on the North Shore) - amazing trails, right on Lake Superior

Favorite workout?

Some long L3 intervals (running or skiing) - exhausting but makes you feel invincible and so accomplished afterward