Welcome to Minneapolis and season 2024/2025
The new training year was finally here - most of our new team members (and previous members) all gathered in Minneapolis starting in May.
We have had some team bonding social events, lots of good training and performance testing.
A lot of new faces, new coaches and new “things” for the team this year - we have a high level medical team, a high-performance testing plan, three on-ground coaches and a big college program for the summer.
We can’t be anything but excited for 2024/2025!
In the beginning of May we gradually started increasing our volume, introduced strength training again and slowly started touching on our intensity zones after a well deserved break.
We competed in the City Trail Loppet, ending at the beautiful Cherry Spoon and took advantage of all the trails, roads and parks we are surrounded by to cross-train through biking, running, hiking, and of course roller skiing.
At the end of May, the group gradually got bigger every day -
Alayna Sonnesyn (previously SMS T2 and Minnesota native), Mariel Pulles (Estonia and UAF), Kevin Bolger (US Ski Team and 2nd year on the team), Zak Ketterson (US Ski Team and member since the beginning of this team in 2021), Henry Snider (MTU graduate), Paul Schommer (Biathlete and WI native), Luci Anderson (UNH graduate and MN native), Gretta Scholz (Colby graduate and previous development team member) and Aiden Ripp (MN Native) and Christopher Kalev (Estonian and UAF graduate) joined the world and continental team for this upcoming season.
Additionally, we have an incredible group of regional team members, marathon team members and not to mention College Team members.
Check out the last image - what a crew (some are missing).
Let’s go summer!
Here are a few pictures from May training.
Look at this crew!