Christopher Kalev

Hometown: Tallin, EST

Date of Birth: 07/06/1999

College/Country: UAF, Estonia National Team, Sportclub CFC

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How did you get into skiing?

My mom was a semi-pro skier in the Estonian B team back in the days, so I travelled to training camps with her as a kid, and what else can you really do if not learn how to ski when you're stuck in Levi (northern Finland) for 3 weeks in November.

What are your most fond memories of skiing?

I just love wrecking my body alone in the cold woods for no fame nor money.. But spring skiing on Alaskan glaciers or on the lakes in northern Finland is also quite awesome.

Best result in skiing?

- Best college result is 4th place in the 2022 NCAA championships 10k classic. 5th in 2024 US Nationals 10k classic and 6th in 2023 US Nationals classic sprint. 2023 and 2024 Sonot Kkaazoot marathon winner.

Favorite pre-race breakfast?

- Oatmeal with crunchy peanut butter, bananas and blueberry jam.

Favorite workout?

- Long-Looong trail/mountain run or 6x15' i3 classic.

Tips for recovery?

- eat and sleep more than you think you need.. and cold plunge.